Friday, October 14, 2011

It's Almost TIME!!!

We got out of the hospital on Wed afternoon with some pretty exciting/nerve racking news.
Aine is ready - Yes...... READY for her surgery! All of the love, food, time, and hours upon hours of being awake with her have paid off and we should be able to get her into the hospital for her surgery BEFORE the mass amounts of Flu & Cold bugs start flying around :) YEAH!
At this time she is:
Running at about 73% oxygen saturation (down from 80%)
Weighing about 5.52 kg (up from 5.3 kg) they were guessing her shunt would take her to 6 kg.
Is sleeping most of the day & night away (she was up 1-2 hours, sleeping for 2-3, repeat until about 8-9 pm when she was down for most of the night)
Is getting tired VERY rapidly (we were doing about 1/2 hour of PT/OT, now we're doing about 15 minutes while she's awake)

We don't know when the actual day is, but it is right around the corner. I will let you know when we know more.

EXTRA Prayers are being sent out to little Finigan, Gracie, and Abby. Keep going strong girly girls!!!!

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