Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting Closer

We are getting closer and closer to the BIG day!
To prepare for the upcoming Biggon - Aine will under go some other tests.
One will give the surgeron a road map of her heart which will help to make sure he doesn't need to change anything up. This will also verify that there aren't any infections in her heart that have been missed with the other tests, or any other "Aine" surprises.
Based on the findings and recovery from the above test, she will also see her cardiologist (who - thank God has been there with us in one way or another every step of the way!).
She will then need to go through a pre-op physical, blood tests, and probably some other things that I'm not aware of as of this time.
At the time of the physical we will also talk to her surgeon. I'm guessing to talk about what will be done, amount of time needed, his expectations after surgery, etc, etc, etc.
In case your wondering; yes.... we're all hanging in there, somehow, some way, we are all hanging in there - just waiting....... for the biggon to be completed & see our Beautiful Perfect Princess open her eyes & smile at us!
Thanks for all your prayers & thoughts.

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