Friday, October 7, 2011

Hello my old friend

Well, call my family strange!

Liam, Aine, and I had a little family adventure to the doctors office last week to get some shots. Let me tell you, it's no fun watching one of your children cry after shots, but man it's even harder when you have to console both. I don't think I'll opt for that one again (if I can help it).

Liam got the flu and chicken pox shot so that we would lessen the chances of bringing it in to the house to Aine. Well..... Yup..... We got it :( da da da....

Nope, no joke. Wed, Liam came up with the famous rash that we all know as the chicken pox. Luckily Auntie Cindy was able to come down and pick him up in the hopes that Ms. Aine would be clear of the pox, well..... you guessed it, we are back in "her" room. The poor nurses want to all come in and squeeze her, but as you guessed it we are on lock down :(

I will know more tomorrow about what is going on and what they feel we are looking at. The spots on Aine are acting really weird. She had a normal chicken pox mark on her neck, but the rest of the spots on her face keep coming and going. Everytime that they "go away" they bring friends back with them & when those friends disappear they bring more back with them! I'm afraid she's going to end up being one big spot!

Man O' man, would I love to wake up and find out all of this is just a
J... O... K.. E...


Well, Until I find out more information - that is all for now.

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