Monday, April 2, 2012

Busy, Busy Month

April has just begun & and the calendar has already pretty much filled up.

Wednesday will be a BIG day as Aine will be turning 1!!
Her present: A skull X-ray & a big poke from the nurse :(

We have a bunch of other appointments lined up also: pre-ops, echos, cardiology visit, and 1 yr & 3 yr appointments along with getting her first set of tubes placed & an ABR test. From what I understand of this test - it will tell us how signals from the inner ear are being received by the brain, so we will know how well she should be able to hear once the tubes are placed.

Other than the busy schedule, things are going good - kids are growing up too quickly and seem to outwit me on a daily basis. We are enjoying the nice weather & doing whatever we can to get outside and enjoy it while it is here.

Liam is a rockstar on his trike (peddling by himself!!)

Aine is working on rolling over & is getting upset because she wants to crawl, has the motions down, but can't figure out how to stop her arm from giving out on her. Sooner than I know it though, I will be writing that she is crawling & causing "fights" with her brother :)

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

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