Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Proud Moment!

There is no way to say just how proud I am.
On Saturday Shawn took Liam to swimming class. I guess he had a subsititute instructor who ended up doing some new things with him which he enjoyed.
They dove down to the bottom to pick up rings, he floated on his back WITHOUT any help! AND....... it was test day so......
That means that this lady swims around, introduces herself to the kiddos that are in the pool and watches what they can do.
Well.... Come to find out - they are going to Advance Liam to the next level!!!
I am soo proud of him.
They said that it is pretty intense & fast moving, so we will have to wait and see how he does with the class, but we still have until the middle of March before the next class starts.

Way to Go Little Man!!!

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