Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

The title is.... Shall we say, a tad bit late?
Well, I guess better late than never.
I was actually excited for Valentine's Day this year. Shawn and I don't really celebrate, but with everything that has happened in the last year - I thought it would be fun to "talk" with Liam & Aine about Valentines Day, hearts, etc & make a fun craft project out of it.

But... The household had a different idea of how the week would go..
First off - Mommy was soo sick, daddy had to leave work to help with the kiddos,
Second - We have a 2 year old with a Flaring temper
Third - We had a 10 month old that wouldn't crack a smile if you offered her the world.

On the positive side - I think that we can say things in the Casey Household may be taking a turn for the better.

First - Mommy is feeling WAY better - Daddy will be returning full-time to work
Second - The Flaring Temper of the 2 year old is Sleeping (for now)
Third - Aine decided to drop a bunch of fluid over the last 2 days and cracked a smile for us & is Sleeping on 1/16 L of oxygen (holding strong at 95% & 126 HR). This may change throughout the night, but it a GREAT start :)
And the home nurse come in and do a weight check on Baby Aine!

So... on that note - Happy Valentines Day & Happy Heart Day! I hope everyone got to spend the day or evening with those you love, no matter how crazy, odd, or "unforgetable" it was!

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