Monday, February 27, 2012

Good Morning - Good Morning!

Ok, so that does have a little jingle that goes to it & that is what is running through my head this "fine" AM as I am thinking about the smiles this song brings to the kids faces when I sing it to them.

Last week was a busy one in the Casey household. There were many laughs, many little road trips (the kids & I drove around to get out of the house for a while), lots of Thomas adventures, lots of "trips" to the airport (we got a new/used little people airport/landing pad that Liam just loves), and yes since this is the house of toddlers..... the occasional meltdowns.

During the last couple of weeks however, I have joined a few new heart groups and met some great people, found out about some additional information on heart babies that I never knew (things that can be upcoming, ways to deal with things & situations, etc). I also found out that there will be an upcoming 5K which I believe we can do in honor of Aine (Shawn asked about doing something for her & plop - into my lap the answer fell :) So.... as a heads up, once I read through everything I will post further details about it.

I have some pictures that I am going to put up, but I'm thinking that it is getting close to the time of replacing the internet service & possibly my trusty old laptop for I can't pull the pictures off of my data source & my internet continues to "blow up" on me. So if updates continue to be spotty - that's why.

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