Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait

I discovered over the many visits to the hospital that time continues to pass you by and you loose track of how many days you've stayed, when things happen, how long something takes, and in reality - you loose track of "Real Life".
Life is just different, there's no explanation.

Aine is however doing better and better. The suctioning has decreased and she is in the process of being weaned off of oxygen. She is still sleeping all the time, but as long as she is awake at times & alert when she is awake I'm not going to complain.

They are discussing sending her to the floor today and that it will take some time (I'm not sure what this "sometime" is) to get her off of oxygen. Since we don't have an at home nurse, we will have to hang out at the hospital until she is off oxygen :( I've requested that they start the process of getting us a nurse, but only time will tell. Patience - NOT my strong point.

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