Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hospital Time

We were doing soo well and then.....
Along came the rain & washed the spider out.....
Aine had her G-tube button replaced on Thursday to a smaller version (good for little bodies & learning to move & groove). All was going well until Sat Morning when Pop! Out came the Button & off to the emergency room we did run.
The Dr placed another Button (with lots of work) and sent us on our way with signs & symptoms to watch for.
Well..... 5 hours later to my dismay the balloon part of the button (which holds the button in her stomach) deflated & POP! Out came the button! Luckily this time I was better prepared with a catheter that would fit into the quickly shrinking hole & off to the ER we went. The placement was easier this time, but more trauma to the skin - so yup, momma cried because her baby girl was oozing blood.
Well, as you would imagine; Aine slept the rest of the day away, waking up to tell us if we were minutes late for her feedings or if she was uncomfortable.
Neither one of us thought anything of Aine sleeping all day due to all the trauma she had gone through, too bad for Aine as we ended up once again in the ER with a little princess spiking a fever of 101.9 - no good for a heart baby who already has a high heart rate & elevated blood pressure.
We opted to have the works done (x-ray, bloodwork, urine, cultures). X-ray = Good, Lab work = high white blood count, urine = high white blood cells. Diagnosis = Urinary Tract Infection! Who knew???
Soo.... We are now inpatients at the hospital waiting for her temp to stabilize, pump some antibiotics through her, and see what the culture has to say about her urine along with make sure there is nothing in the blood culture.
On a positive side, everyone seems very happy about her progress & how big she has gotten. She is a Whopping 3.2kg!! (over 9#'s)

Liam is doing wonderful during this whole adventure & we couldn't ask for a better big brother. He is soo caring and loving to Aine & seems to think about her all the time. He got to go to the game fair today with his daddy & grandpa Casey (& yes, he tried to talk daddy into getting him a puppy! to which Daddy said no - Poor Guy)

So, to sum it up.
Out came the sun & dried all the rain & the Casey family will have a wonderful day!

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