Thursday, August 11, 2011

Good News all around :)

It feels soo good to be able to sit down and type out some good news for a change.
I'm sure you have been wondering how things have been going around the Casey Castle & I will surely tell you it is still a Crazy Crazy ride!
Liam is still Liam - crazy little guy who loves to challenge me & find new ways to have fun. He is so confident with climbing the ladder up to his playhouse that he is now bringing sticks up with him (not with my permission of course :)- I am Very happy to say that he has not had an accident (day or night) for the last 3 weeks!! I am thinking I am going to deem him as 100% potty trained - even with all the stuff that is going on.
Aine is up to 9 pounds!! She's still a very tiny tot, but she probably always will be. Her chest wound is healing very well & the surgeon doesn't want to take her back to the OR until her big surgery - so YEAH all the way around.
She has been cleared from the blood clot in her leg, so she is now all of her lovenox shot - SOOO Happy day - that thing was a Killer!
We are still looking at another open heart surgery when she is 6-9 kg (but we will continue to keep a close eye on her & discuss with the doctors if she needs to go in sooner or later).

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