Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sleep Study

Aine went through a sleep study last week and we found out (we expected this) that she has sleep apnea, which is causing her to de-stat, have rapid breathing, and have to wake herself up to come out of it.

The good news is that her brain is responding correctly & waking her up to remedy the situation, but it still isn't good because she doesn't get the quality of sleep that she should be getting which means, longer or more frequent naps, restless sleep and irritability :(

The sleep study doctor is going to talk to Aine's cardiologist & ENT doctor to discuss what should be done. We are looking at some of the following options: Increasing her oxygen flow at night, Bi-pap or C-pap machine. Guess we'll see what the outsome is.

I'm really excited though because Liam starts his new swimming class on Saturday. We're hoping that he is in class with some other kids, but we won't know that either until Saturday. He's excited & can't stop looking at his NEW swim suit!

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