Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday 6/3

We're past our 12 hour post-surgery timeframe. :)
Aine is doing well, they still have her sedated but are going to try to wean her off of the ventilator by this afternoon.
They repaired the shunt that was originally placed and are waiting until she is bigger to repair the hole in her heart and fix the valve. They want her to get up to 6 kg before they proceed with another surgery. She was at 3.1 kg yesterday morning, so the surgerion is estimating she will be 6 kg (13.2 pounds) by the time she is a year old. At that time they will re-check the shunt and arteries to make sure nothing needs to be done with them.
The size thing really threw me for a loop because as many know, Liam was 9.7#'s at birth and doubled his weight within the first couple months.

Liam is being a trooper during all this. He wanted to help feed Aine yesterday and got very upset when I told him that she couldn't eat because she was having surgery. He told me that she told him she was hungry and I needed to give her water. He is such an amazing little boy - temper tantrums and all.

We are all doing our best to "hang in there" and will continue to update the blog as we get information. I can't upload pictures at the hospital, so when I go home I will try to add some.

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