Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There will be some big changes occuring in the Casey household. Many of you know that we have been working on upgrading our house because we have just plain grown out of it since the arrival of Liam, and now that I am doing part-time daycare it feels even smaller.

Well, tonight we upgraded our Yukon to a Suburban and are really crossing our fingers that a new house is right around the corner, because man o' man is April our Month!


Holly said...

Yay! Yay!Yay!
Here's hopin' a boy - for ease (hand-me-downs)
a girl - for balance (and fun girlie stuff!)!!

big ((hugs)) for Nikki, Shawn & Liam!

<3 you all! ~ Holly Sue

Nicole said...

Thanks Holly Sue!
Here's hoping for another cool kid like Liam!