Thursday, September 2, 2010


Happy September everyone!

As usual last month went by way too fast and we have had many new things happen.

Liam is starting to say a lot more 2-3 word sentences & is working on running (he can now go "really fast" half way across the living room.

Liam is a huge car fan (right now his favorites are: fire truck, cement mixer, car hauler) He also Loves airplanes. Along with that he has taken a HUGE liking to "cooking". My kitchenware is not safe! We took a trip to the $$ store to get him his own utensils (we'll see if he leaves mine alone) and will soon be getting him a kitchen.

It's really cute to watch him while we sing "head, shoulder, knees and toes" along with "if your happy and you know it" because he can point out head, eyes, hands, tummy, and feet.

He has to have something on his wrists pretty much at all times right now. If it's not his ducks (see pictures) it's one of my hair scrunchies. He is also working on pulling his underwear up, putting his shoes on, and can successfully put his arms into his shirt. I just can't get enough of all the cool stages.

Liam is also working on popping his last four teeth! I can't wait until the teething is done, the poor guy just doesn't do well with it at all.

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