Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!

I hope that your holidays have been wonderful and your new year is starting out well.

The kids have been have a great time with each other and spent most of the break playing with their new toys.

Liam is into Harry Potter and we are currently reading the books.  He was excited to receive some Lego sets from Harry Potter.

Aine is into Lego girls and hatchimals, so she couldn't get enough of her presents :)

Shawn is working towards running another marathon.  It's great to see him excited about running again.

Liam has earned his Black Belt and is working towards his 2nd degree.  He would like to start on the swim team - so we will be looking into that also. 

Aine has continued with Karate and added Dance to her exercise. 

She had 2 heart caths this year, both of which went well (there was a Major bump in the road on the first one, but we will discuss that at a later date).  Another winter without surgery :) :)

Shawn is working towards his Black Belt - he is guessing a years time.

I know that there's more, but I have Fibro brain right now, so I'll write again later!

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