Friday, March 22, 2013


While listening to Dancing Queen on Kool 108 I am writing this post, hoping the weather is as beautiful as it looks from inside.

I will admit, I STILL love this song!  It brings me back to my old neighborhood - Jenny and I begging Charlie and Kyle to sing with us (They never really did sing with us silly girls :) but we tried!).  Dressing up to be like ABBA and starting the record spinning - playing the WHOLE record and sometimes playing it again.

Ok - so enough with the side tracking - on to 2 of the loves of my life - My Kids!!!

We decided that we couldn't wait any longer to decorate eggs, so we spent one part of the day getting them ready and the next day decorating them.

Liam using stencils to draw on the colored eggs

Aine just used the marker - 

Then she decided
Why stop at the egg???

Well - she's still green today

Oh well - they had FUN!!!

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