Thursday, October 11, 2012

Internet Rocks!

Yup -

We got it all fixed and are ready to rock and roll the cyberworld.
Liam can't take his eyes off of Thomas Misty Island & I can't take my eyes off of the computer screen :)
Shawn's not home yet, so he's not involved in the fun & Aine - well she's sleeping.

Enough about my lack of cyberworld attention & on to the updates you have been looking for ;)

She is doing pretty good considering she is breaking one of her final teeth. Once she is done with this one she will only have her 4 two year molars left (Thank goodness for that!).
She is taking this tooth pretty rough. Gurgly tummy, loose stool, and chewing on EVERYTHING! But.... I keep hoping that the poo is an indication that she is getting some of the saliva into her ------- TUMMY!!!

She didn't technically pass her swallow study that was done this month (you can't spit the barium at the doctor and expect to pass), but they were able to determine that she is protecting her airway! YEAH BABYGIRL!

She is strong with sitting up, but wants nothing to do with crawling, rolling over, or walking. She Hates supporting herself or even thinking about supporting herself, so we keep working on it.

She is doing well with her OT/PT appointments and is continuing to grow, so we can't complain there either.

We have also put her into swimming & she is doing wonderful! She is at home in the water & doesn't really ever get upset while swimming.

She has some more tests and Dr's appointments coming up next week, so I will talk more about those then. (She is getting some kind of scope put in her nose, a biopsy, and an 18 month checkup).

Another rockstar in the making :)
He is doing Great in both swimming & Tumbling.
Very confident in both :)

He is doing well in preschool & has two good girl friends and went on his first bus ride to the fire station (on his First field trip).

We have conferences in a couple of weeks - so I'll know more at that time :)

He completed his first 10k and beat his goal time :)
I'm soo proud of him!

I'm not sure what he is planning on doing next, but I know it will be great!

I will post pictures later (hopefully tonight after the kiddos are asleep), I'm going to go watch Misty Island with Liam :)

Hope all is well!

Prayer list:
Miss Abby: She was admitted to the hospital - we're hoping there isn't any rejection & she can go home tomorrow
Cameron: He needs to go home - he's having a hard time keeping his stats up.
Liam's family: They are doing well after he received heart wings, but a little pick up & prayer are always nice :)
LD - Prayers that your kiddos tests come back that the throat clearing is just that - no more reflux, errosion or any of the other things you are concerned about.

Congrats to:
O - keep up the good work!
Nancy - Happy Anniversary & many more to come!
C - Keep working hard!

I know there are many that haven't made it to the list today, but you are in our thoughts & prayers.
If you want/need to be added, please let me know!

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