Aine had an Echo done and the preliminary was good - now I'm just waiting to hear what the final results are. Her cardiologist is very happy about how Aine is doing up to this point. Thanks to her getting so big & strong and her PA's getting big she was able to handle the surgery and work on getting better faster.
She is still on lasix, so she continues to need her potassium replaced - but that is to be expected.
They are hoping that they can keep her on high flow for the night and then possibly start the weening process.
We will be increasing her calorie count very soon & then tomorrow as long as she tolarates the increase we will start to move her to the bolus that she is used to. At which time we will also start to get her meds back on the schedule we are used to - but that is one of the last things on our long list of things to do.
Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts - we couldn't have gotten to where we are now without them & feel that everyone of them has had a positive impact on our daughters fight to recover.
There are no words for this
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