It's been a BIG day so far & it's only 10:30.
Aine is on a good path to recovery at this time. She has had her chest tubes removed, her pacer wire removed, her Arterial line removed and has had her central lines capped (They can still put meds in them, but they are locked so that they won't clot).
She has had a session with speech therapy and they started working with her to see if she is ready to do a swallow study. We are taking it slow, but Aine seems to be doing well with it all. They will work with her once a day. We will also soon start transistioning her to bolus feeds.
Aine is currently on high flow and they are going to do a trial over the night to see if she can manage without the bipap and if she can, they will discuss sending her to the floor to continue her recovery.
As of this time, her blood cultures are negative (we still have have 25 hours until finalization), but she has been removed from antibiotics unless results change.
They are working on her blood pressure medicine making sure that she is on the right dose & that she doesn't do a major drop like yesterday.
As usual I'm nervous about the thought of moving to the floor, but when Aine's ready we will go.
All the "fluid" items & lines that were removed today
The New & Improved Aine
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