Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Good News :)

It's good to get good news.
Aine is growing very well (4.88 kg -or- about 10#'s 11oz). Her stats are holding steady and she is for the most part in a good mood.
We are continuing to have home visits 2 times a week and doctor visits for the most part once a week.
We have been to the ER room once since her UTI but luckily nothing was found. We went because she popped a temp of 102.6 :( and was a crabby little pumpkin.

As you know we have been working with a wide variety of doctors and at this time, I'm not really sure if there is any category that we haven't talked to. Today we talked to ID (Infectious Disease). Yup, I know I heard some hearts stop with that comment - as did mine the first time I heard that ID visited Aine. But it's all a good thing because they monitor how many T-cells she has and how they function. As we figured Aine's are low so she can get sick a lot faster than the rest of us.

We have been very careful with her up to this point, but all of us are getting our flu shot this year and I have given in and am getting Liam the chicken pox shot. I guess it's true that your life changes 100% once you have a child, and again by 100% when you have a second.

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