Saturday, April 9, 2011


Well, It has been yet another long day. Liam is handling all of this as well as can be expected. He received a couple new Thomas trains, so he was very happy about being at the PICU today. We had a few visitors today (Grandma Casey, Auntie Cindy, Uncle Rick, Nick, & Justin). It was nice to see everyone and I know Aine enjoyed the company. It was also a nice surprise for Liam because it wasn't all about his sister today. On a good note, they removed her from the nitrous oxide last night and lowered her blood pressure medicine today. She is remaining stable, so they are hoping to continue to wean her off of a little bit more of a med tomorrow. The largest hope is that she will not be connected to anything by mid to end of next week. We're still looking at somewhere between 2-4 weeks of being in the hospital, but we will make it through and as strange as it may sound to some will probably cry the first time we her cry. We can't believe that Liam will be 2 in two weeks! Let the celebrations begin!!!

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