Daddy Getting ready to meet his Daughter

Mommy Meeting Baby Aine for the first time

Liam loved riding in the wheelchair

Hospital Mac & Cheese - what kid wouldn't love that??

Flowers from my daycare baby & family :)

Baby Aine all settled in bed.
This is my view from my room - I may not get to hold her, but I get to look at her beautiful face 24/7 & talk to her nurses, doctors, and support staff when ever I want to.
Gotta Love Modern Technology.
Wow, you get to watch her from your room?? That is awesome. She is a beauty and I definitely see the resemblance to her big brother. I've been praying and will continue to do so, in the mean time hugs to you, Shawn and Liam. Love you guys!
Thanks Melissa - we agree that she is beautiful. She steals the hearts of everyone that meets her! It was awesome being able to watch her from my room.
LIam got to meet her for the first time yesterday, so that was very nice.
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