Monday, February 4, 2013

Small Tidbit

A little tidbit to get your mind rolling early in the morning :)

Did you know that there are approximately 35 different types of Congenital Heart Defects?
Me?  Nope!

After we found out that Aine would be born with a CHD we did a little bit of research.

Most of it was focused on her specific heart condition - Tetrology of Fallot, so little did we know that there are approximately 35 different types of CHD.

To me that is an amazing fact - 35!

To be blunt - I was one of the many that didn't even really know or understand that this was something that could affect anyone that was young, I thought heart problems only affected people as they got older.

I'm hoping that with this blog and the help of you we can spread the awareness that heart defects are very real and more common that most even realize.  Prenatal care and screenings are very important to help ensure the health of the precious packages we are given.

There is a really brave kiddo in the hospital right now.  He has 22q11.2 deletion just like our baby girl, but he is having a really hard time right now and is fighting for his life.
We are all sending prayers and well wishes his way.

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