Saturday, October 20, 2012


This has sure been a big week for us & we have more to come.

Baby Aine got some blood drawn to make sure that everything is going the way it should be. So far no news - so hopefully that means good news.

We also had a probe placed in her nose that she wore for 24 hours. It was placed to record the Ph of her saliva and verify that her nissen is working. We should find put the results of this Monday or Tuesday.

She had a very good session of OT/PT this week and is becoming more confident with moving her body.

We saw her gen ped and discussed many of the things that are going on along with this ultra crazy flexibility things she has going on. (she can literally fold herself in half - its crazy to watch). He did some research and has not found anything that links it to her 22q diagnosis, so we will at some point be seeing rheumatology to maybe gets some answers. (or at least some things to check off our list).

Liam will be starting another tumbling class this Wednesday and is super excited for Halloween. We decorated the house and as he says we made it Spoooookkky!

His first conference is coming up this week, so we'll see what the teacher has to say about his progress his school.

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