Lately I've found the common question that I am asked is How do You Do It??
The Answer.... I don't know & I don't how to explain it - so I did a little "experament" today. I took lots of pictures to help explain a typical morning. Enjoy the ride :)-
Today my morning starting at 6:45 with a VERY crabby girl. I'm not sure what got her goat, but something did - so... after 3 diapers (all of which need to be weighed & put into a chart to verify she isn't having fluid retention), one feed, one leg rub down, one outfit removal & lots of kisses later her brother woke up (he woke up about 7:15 & Aine wasn't calmed down yet.... bummer - starts the day out on a negative note for him & usually an easy breakdown day for him :(

To change the attitude of the day I decided pancakes would be a good lifter upper (I forgot to take pictures of the fun pancakes - I color them red, yellow, blue, and green & put honey on them. 6 pancakes later & he was a happy boy!
This however is what I was left with :(

Now... Aine usually takes 45-60 minutes everyday to get ready, but today was bath day. So you can add another 60 minutes to "get ready time".


Checking the chest & G-tube site. Looks GREAT! Saturday will be 3 months post surgery! (The "Stickies" are used to hold tubes in place)

Post-bath stats - Looking Good (we were quick & efficient with bath time today Yeah Us!)

Strategically placed dressings, lines, and cords (minus the addition of the G-tube, that still needed to be sterilized for the day).

Little Cuddle time before it's Liam's turn to get ready.

Liam Getting dressed - First pair of pants ended up being too big :(

Second pair worked perfect - off & running!

Now, as I walk out of the kid's bedroom - this is what I'm greeted by (I just took one downstairs on Monday)

And this is what the microwave says :(

Which means it's already Lunch time. Man.... where did the morning go??? I still the breakfast dishes to do, at least I got a load of laundry in the washer/dryer.

Getting Baby Aine Ready for her lunch/nap

Now, one might ask how does anyone keep their sanity in this. Get nothing accomplished - not even 10 minutes of playtime with your kids before lunch is due to be served & then naptime? Containers!!! Containers are my sanity :)
I love the fact that I can put a bunch of stuff in one little container & forget about it. For that 10-20 minutes after I get things put away, we have a "normal" house. No medicine, no syringes, no bags, no lines - just the kids & I & hugs & kisses. That is my sanity & salvation.

So, with all that being said, a little dirty laundry aired :), and a little more insight into our lives -
If you ask us how we are and we don't have an answer you now have an idea of why.
If we seem a little pre-occupied when you are talking to us you have an idea why.
If you don't hear from us for a while, we aren't ignoring you and you have an idea why.
If you wonder if you should drop a line to say HI - it is always welcomed. Time gets away from us - VERY quickly.
We are very grateful to have each and everyone of you as a friend and want you to know that we think about you often.
I hope you enjoyed our morning - I'd love to take a nap, but the breakfast dishes are calling my name & Aine is due to have her afternoon snack in an hour so I better get busy.
Great day to all & enjoy this weird winter!
1 comment:
Wow! Most of us can imagine but thank you for taking a lot of your time to put it into pictures and perspective for us. Have I mentioned lately how lucky Liam and Aine are to have YOU AND SHAWN as their Mommy and Daddy? They are so incredibly lucky! Love you guys and know that you 4 are always in my prayers!
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