She has reached Many, Many milestones in the last couple of weeks that it is crazy, exciting, and sad all at the same time. (Sad because my baby girl is growing up right before my eyes & just like her brother - even though your Really, Really just want some mommy time - you Can't spend enough time with them).
So.. back to the Good :)
Aine has started to sit on her own - YES>>>> Her OWN! It will last about 30-60 seconds and she can prop herself about 3-4 times per session, but YEAH!!!! All that pre-surgical core work is paying off :)

She enjoys sitting in her little entertainment center

- which Liam Loves to help her play with.

She is getting used to being on her tummy and reaching for things while there (thank goodness we got the little surfboard with Liam :)
She is sleeping less frequently (as long as she isn't having violent coughing sessions), but for longer periods of time - Yeah for us...
She is starting to really truely smile & working on giggling. We've been able to find some of her ticklish spot so that is helping.
Liam is doing Great Also!
We've had 2 swim lessons since starting the new session. They informed me they like to have the parents out of the pool within 4-6 weeks. I got kicked out of the pool midway through the lessons last week & will not be joining him for lessons this weekend :(
He is surprising us everyday with what he can do. Santa brought him some spelling cards and he is able to do all of them in less than 10 minutes. He will bring a book to us and tell us what the word says (especially if he wants whatever it is). He learned how to skip, jump with bent knees, somersault, go potty by himself, and get undressed by himself.
And the Most Impressive talent of the week is???
Yup - mastering how to eat like a dog :)

Crazy how fast they grow.
Shawn's back is looking really good. I no longer have to pack it, but I still need to cover it during the day. Too many nasty things contaminates at work to chance leaving it uncovered. But... it's now about the size of a quarter & really just needs to scab over.
Toddler Quote of the day:
I'm a boy, Daddy's a boy, Mommy's a.... girl, Baby Aine's a..... (Mommy says - a Girl), Two Puppers a...... Dog, Bunnie's a..... Rabbit Kitty Cat!

Prayers to:
Dave - Please have a fast, smooth recovery from this point on & get off that blazin vent!
Jen - I hope the closing finally happens and goes through without a glich.
Dear Abby - I pray that you are feeling wonderful for your birthday on Wed & Keep smiling!
And... Prayers to anyone that may need them and smiles to all that wish to receive them!
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