Being that I do the 11pm feed, I have found it best that I just stay awake until it is done. During this time I try to get things done, but I usually spend it researching, watching mindless shows, or just plain vegging out (this time would be the reason the whole food issue from the last post was brought to light).
Well, tonight I decided to look into an odd behaviour of Aine's. She will get upset (mostly at night) and if I rub her leg or put our "special lotion" on her leg it seems to calm her. The only thing I could think of was the old growing pains - but it seems to only be in the one leg (the short leg).
So, during my research; I did discover that leg pain can be a symptom and there really isn't anything that can be done about it. "Special Lotion" we will be seeing more of you :)
But back to the title. During my research I found a perfect description of our life & had to utilize it because I can't say it any better myself.
Being immune-compromised and having congenital heart disease are what we call invisible disabilities. We hope and pray that good days soon start to out number the bad days and that every obstacle that comes along we are able to conquer. RSV, pneumonia, and pseudonomis are bad enough for a normal child but sometimes Aine has virtually no immune system from a "minor illness". Chicken pox, MRSA, measles, mumps even food poisoning could all be fatal.
(Thanks to Madison Faith's mom for writing this out)
While we love to be able to share our lives with everyone that wants to join in the good, bad, and yes the ugly :P) we also appreciate that Aine is delicate and are very blessed that you also understand she is delicate & want to protect her. We have been told that the first year is the roughest & if they can make it through the first year you have a fight chance. We're almost there. 3 months to go!!! And as the doctors are very well aware - there is no other option! She is strong, she is brave, she is loved, and she is cherished. Her brother is a great spokesperson for her & we are lucky to have them both & lucky to have the support of each and every one of you.
That being said -
If you ask to come visit and we decline, please don't take it personal for this is the most dangerous time of the year for Baby Aine.
If you ask if we need anything and we reply we don't know, we are not trying to blow you off - we really don't know what we need.
We are in the process of finding out if she will be able to celebrate her first birthday with friends & family, but will not know until after all her test results come back. We may just be sending out announcement cards - only time will tell.
We are in the process of finding out if the new food will work (she hasn't made a peep with this feed so far :) Please pray that it will work.
We are hoping that we will be able to start weening her off of oxygen, and start the oral training again - please send good vibes that it will happen soon.
And the biggest thing of all - we are praying, hoping, wishing, begging that we will stay Out of the hospital for a LONG LONG LONG time. I would be happy with next year :)
I hope this is finding everyone in good health, and that your days are filled with sunshine, happiness, and blessings. I think we can honestly say we do - we live with not one, but two miracles!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Let the trial begin
I will admit, I'm not sure how much I've discussed/complained here about Aine's breathing, snoring, coughing, and crying. But.... I will say I just got plain fed up with it when Liam started crying & hid in his room because I couldn't get her to stop the cycle the other day. For those that haven't seen it - It goes something like this. She will start to cough (for some unknown reason), which will make her start to cry/whine, which in turn makes her start coughing again, which then makes her either fart or poop. Since the last is such a surprise (and probably doesn't feel too good) she starts to cry again, which causes the whole cycle to start over again.
Now, she has GERD on top of all of this, which makes us believe that when she whines/cries/coughes stomach acid is allowed to "splash" through her nissan, which would cause anyone pain (leading us to believe this is why she can't stop crying). Poor little thing.
SO... After Many "discussions" and thought - I pushed through my idea that maybe the food could be causing some of this problem. (Let me backtrack a little bit). She Also has this awful congestion that just never goes away. She is ALWAYS congested, but no matter what I do it won't go away. Suctioning, lavasing, misting, steaming, and the list goes on - it Never goes away. So... moving foward -- if you are sick & you eat dairy, you feel stuffy. Hmmmmm..... Milk-based formula - stuffy, Breastmilk - stuffy, TPN - not so bad. There's a place to start.
So... With the approval to move ahead from the Gen Ped & the Cardiologist, we started Aine on a soy based formula. She seems to like it so far. It's cleaner, it smells better, it disolves in the bottle better, and she doesn't seem to be as crabby. It's only been since this afternoon, so I'm gonna say I'm not going ot count my ducks yet - but I am hoping for a really really good outcome.
My hope??? No more congestion = controlled coughing, Controlled coughing = less GERD symptoms, Less GERD sysmptoms = less sore throat, less sore throat = more smiles. Oh yeah, and the gas - the gas is already better. I knew for the first time tonight that she passed gas instead of wondering if I have to change yet another diaper!
I will admit, I'm not sure how much I've discussed/complained here about Aine's breathing, snoring, coughing, and crying. But.... I will say I just got plain fed up with it when Liam started crying & hid in his room because I couldn't get her to stop the cycle the other day. For those that haven't seen it - It goes something like this. She will start to cough (for some unknown reason), which will make her start to cry/whine, which in turn makes her start coughing again, which then makes her either fart or poop. Since the last is such a surprise (and probably doesn't feel too good) she starts to cry again, which causes the whole cycle to start over again.
Now, she has GERD on top of all of this, which makes us believe that when she whines/cries/coughes stomach acid is allowed to "splash" through her nissan, which would cause anyone pain (leading us to believe this is why she can't stop crying). Poor little thing.
SO... After Many "discussions" and thought - I pushed through my idea that maybe the food could be causing some of this problem. (Let me backtrack a little bit). She Also has this awful congestion that just never goes away. She is ALWAYS congested, but no matter what I do it won't go away. Suctioning, lavasing, misting, steaming, and the list goes on - it Never goes away. So... moving foward -- if you are sick & you eat dairy, you feel stuffy. Hmmmmm..... Milk-based formula - stuffy, Breastmilk - stuffy, TPN - not so bad. There's a place to start.
So... With the approval to move ahead from the Gen Ped & the Cardiologist, we started Aine on a soy based formula. She seems to like it so far. It's cleaner, it smells better, it disolves in the bottle better, and she doesn't seem to be as crabby. It's only been since this afternoon, so I'm gonna say I'm not going ot count my ducks yet - but I am hoping for a really really good outcome.
My hope??? No more congestion = controlled coughing, Controlled coughing = less GERD symptoms, Less GERD sysmptoms = less sore throat, less sore throat = more smiles. Oh yeah, and the gas - the gas is already better. I knew for the first time tonight that she passed gas instead of wondering if I have to change yet another diaper!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Revolving Door
Another week down & another germ coming around :(
Aine seems to be feeling kinda down again. She was running a little high last night (99.1) and was crabby, so we can only guess that she is either teething or has yet another yucky germ of some sort. Hopefully soon this little girl will get a break.
Liam is doing really well. He started in the pool all by himself on Saturday & back floated for a couple of seconds without Any support. He's turned into an endless pit and not napping, but sleeping hard so I guess only time will tell where this is going.
We took the plunge and added a couple more members to the family this weekend. Frank & Snail were getting kinda lonely so we got Frank 2 & number 6 (Yup Liam names the fish & snails). The tank looks really cool now that we have 2 fish swimming around & the snails moving from here to there.
Aine seems to be feeling kinda down again. She was running a little high last night (99.1) and was crabby, so we can only guess that she is either teething or has yet another yucky germ of some sort. Hopefully soon this little girl will get a break.
Liam is doing really well. He started in the pool all by himself on Saturday & back floated for a couple of seconds without Any support. He's turned into an endless pit and not napping, but sleeping hard so I guess only time will tell where this is going.
We took the plunge and added a couple more members to the family this weekend. Frank & Snail were getting kinda lonely so we got Frank 2 & number 6 (Yup Liam names the fish & snails). The tank looks really cool now that we have 2 fish swimming around & the snails moving from here to there.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
One Month at a Time!
Another Cardiac Appointment Down!
We spent our afternoon in the Doctors office - Talking, laughing, Reading, Crying (it was past the kids naptime), Hitting (again - no nap), giving blood, and the most exciting thing??? Aine can start seeing her Cardiologist once a month!!
Way to go Baby Girl! Soo Proud of you!
I know that I'm going to have a hard time waiting for this next appointment, but it will be nice to be able to wait and also work our way into seeing her every 6 months, then every year.
Next we will see the immunologist to see how everything is going & since Aine gave some blood (ok, so ALOT of blood) today we should be able to find out what he thinks at the appointment instead of waiting.
Toddler Quote of the day.....
As we're in the elevator going to the appointment I hear...
Mommy - I just told Two Pup we would be home soon. He's soo sweet!
He also told the nurse...
I love my Two Pup, My Bunnie Kitty, My Train, did you hear me???
As the nurse is wide eyed & you can see her trying to figure out if he has two dogs & if he understands that a Bunny is Not a Kitty. I was laughing too hard to explain.
At the end of the appointment I asked Liam what he wanted for his special treat fully expecting that he was going to ask for a scoop of ice cream. He looked right at me with those beautiful eyes, wrung his hands and said A Car Mommy.
He had a surprise waiting when we got home.
We spent our afternoon in the Doctors office - Talking, laughing, Reading, Crying (it was past the kids naptime), Hitting (again - no nap), giving blood, and the most exciting thing??? Aine can start seeing her Cardiologist once a month!!
Way to go Baby Girl! Soo Proud of you!
I know that I'm going to have a hard time waiting for this next appointment, but it will be nice to be able to wait and also work our way into seeing her every 6 months, then every year.
Next we will see the immunologist to see how everything is going & since Aine gave some blood (ok, so ALOT of blood) today we should be able to find out what he thinks at the appointment instead of waiting.
Toddler Quote of the day.....
As we're in the elevator going to the appointment I hear...
Mommy - I just told Two Pup we would be home soon. He's soo sweet!
He also told the nurse...
I love my Two Pup, My Bunnie Kitty, My Train, did you hear me???
As the nurse is wide eyed & you can see her trying to figure out if he has two dogs & if he understands that a Bunny is Not a Kitty. I was laughing too hard to explain.
At the end of the appointment I asked Liam what he wanted for his special treat fully expecting that he was going to ask for a scoop of ice cream. He looked right at me with those beautiful eyes, wrung his hands and said A Car Mommy.
He had a surprise waiting when we got home.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Even though Aine isn't quite ready to start weaning off of oxygen yet, she seems to be healing & getting stronger & stronger every day.

She has reached Many, Many milestones in the last couple of weeks that it is crazy, exciting, and sad all at the same time. (Sad because my baby girl is growing up right before my eyes & just like her brother - even though your Really, Really just want some mommy time - you Can't spend enough time with them).
So.. back to the Good :)
Aine has started to sit on her own - YES>>>> Her OWN! It will last about 30-60 seconds and she can prop herself about 3-4 times per session, but YEAH!!!! All that pre-surgical core work is paying off :)

She enjoys sitting in her little entertainment center

- which Liam Loves to help her play with.

She is getting used to being on her tummy and reaching for things while there (thank goodness we got the little surfboard with Liam :)
She is sleeping less frequently (as long as she isn't having violent coughing sessions), but for longer periods of time - Yeah for us...
She is starting to really truely smile & working on giggling. We've been able to find some of her ticklish spot so that is helping.
Liam is doing Great Also!
We've had 2 swim lessons since starting the new session. They informed me they like to have the parents out of the pool within 4-6 weeks. I got kicked out of the pool midway through the lessons last week & will not be joining him for lessons this weekend :(
He is surprising us everyday with what he can do. Santa brought him some spelling cards and he is able to do all of them in less than 10 minutes. He will bring a book to us and tell us what the word says (especially if he wants whatever it is). He learned how to skip, jump with bent knees, somersault, go potty by himself, and get undressed by himself.
And the Most Impressive talent of the week is???
Yup - mastering how to eat like a dog :)

Crazy how fast they grow.
Shawn's back is looking really good. I no longer have to pack it, but I still need to cover it during the day. Too many nasty things contaminates at work to chance leaving it uncovered. But... it's now about the size of a quarter & really just needs to scab over.
Toddler Quote of the day:
I'm a boy, Daddy's a boy, Mommy's a.... girl, Baby Aine's a..... (Mommy says - a Girl), Two Puppers a...... Dog, Bunnie's a..... Rabbit Kitty Cat!

Prayers to:
Dave - Please have a fast, smooth recovery from this point on & get off that blazin vent!
Jen - I hope the closing finally happens and goes through without a glich.
Dear Abby - I pray that you are feeling wonderful for your birthday on Wed & Keep smiling!
And... Prayers to anyone that may need them and smiles to all that wish to receive them!

She has reached Many, Many milestones in the last couple of weeks that it is crazy, exciting, and sad all at the same time. (Sad because my baby girl is growing up right before my eyes & just like her brother - even though your Really, Really just want some mommy time - you Can't spend enough time with them).
So.. back to the Good :)
Aine has started to sit on her own - YES>>>> Her OWN! It will last about 30-60 seconds and she can prop herself about 3-4 times per session, but YEAH!!!! All that pre-surgical core work is paying off :)

She enjoys sitting in her little entertainment center

- which Liam Loves to help her play with.

She is getting used to being on her tummy and reaching for things while there (thank goodness we got the little surfboard with Liam :)
She is sleeping less frequently (as long as she isn't having violent coughing sessions), but for longer periods of time - Yeah for us...
She is starting to really truely smile & working on giggling. We've been able to find some of her ticklish spot so that is helping.
Liam is doing Great Also!
We've had 2 swim lessons since starting the new session. They informed me they like to have the parents out of the pool within 4-6 weeks. I got kicked out of the pool midway through the lessons last week & will not be joining him for lessons this weekend :(
He is surprising us everyday with what he can do. Santa brought him some spelling cards and he is able to do all of them in less than 10 minutes. He will bring a book to us and tell us what the word says (especially if he wants whatever it is). He learned how to skip, jump with bent knees, somersault, go potty by himself, and get undressed by himself.
And the Most Impressive talent of the week is???
Yup - mastering how to eat like a dog :)

Crazy how fast they grow.
Shawn's back is looking really good. I no longer have to pack it, but I still need to cover it during the day. Too many nasty things contaminates at work to chance leaving it uncovered. But... it's now about the size of a quarter & really just needs to scab over.
Toddler Quote of the day:
I'm a boy, Daddy's a boy, Mommy's a.... girl, Baby Aine's a..... (Mommy says - a Girl), Two Puppers a...... Dog, Bunnie's a..... Rabbit Kitty Cat!

Prayers to:
Dave - Please have a fast, smooth recovery from this point on & get off that blazin vent!
Jen - I hope the closing finally happens and goes through without a glich.
Dear Abby - I pray that you are feeling wonderful for your birthday on Wed & Keep smiling!
And... Prayers to anyone that may need them and smiles to all that wish to receive them!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I got the heads up the other day that Baby Aine would probably get 8-12 "illnesses" during the first winter of her life.
After a long discussion with one of the cardiologists it is believed that she is on her #2 of the year :( We started to see some odd stats showing up and intolerrance of being weened from oxygen along with irratability. The kids got their final shots last week, so there was little belief that it is an outcome from this because of the extended time frame.
We will discontinue any weening at this time and see how she is doing next week.
So.... I guess that means lots of rest for the Casey household & a good thing we were blessed and received a stockpile of paper, scissors, glue, and other craft making things because.... did I mention???? Liam was also hit by whatever Aine is dealing with :{
After a long discussion with one of the cardiologists it is believed that she is on her #2 of the year :( We started to see some odd stats showing up and intolerrance of being weened from oxygen along with irratability. The kids got their final shots last week, so there was little belief that it is an outcome from this because of the extended time frame.
We will discontinue any weening at this time and see how she is doing next week.
So.... I guess that means lots of rest for the Casey household & a good thing we were blessed and received a stockpile of paper, scissors, glue, and other craft making things because.... did I mention???? Liam was also hit by whatever Aine is dealing with :{
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Prayers & Good Wishes!
As we start the new week, there are a few call outs I would like to make.
#1 to my good friend Jamie - her birthday was on Saturday & from what I understand it was a pretty good one!
#2 to my nephew Justin - he turned 11 years old & has one of the biggest smiles anyone could ask for!
#3 to my sweet niece Rachel- She never got the TRUE birthday call out that she deserves for she is 18 YEARS OLD!!! I have always known her as a beautiful little girl who would always strive to do the right thing, love with her full heart, and will strive to do her best. She is graduating from high school this year, is working on getting her NA license, and received a scholarship to college! These are just a FEW of the reasons that we are soo very proud of her. Keep it up Rach!
I would like to also send out some prayers:
Dave - he was placed on a ventilator after some setbacks from a stroke. It sounds as if he is doing better, but they won't know for certain how things are going until they do a repeat CT Scan. Strength prayers for his Significant other Jen!
Gina - Prayers to your cousin in the ICU, I hope for a quick recovery!
Maddy - I hope that your new casts last longer than a week & work like they should!
Dear Sweet Abby - I am soo glad that you are home, I can't wait to hear how you are doing & pray that your pacemaker does what it is supposed to do & helps that beautiful broken heart of yours. Keep smiling & know you are in all our hearts!
Jenny - Hoping the closing goes without any issues on Friday & your move goes smoothly.
Extra Prayers to anyone else that may need them this week. May we all be able to hold our heads high, enjoy the day as it falls upon us & smile through any "water" that falls from our eyes.
#1 to my good friend Jamie - her birthday was on Saturday & from what I understand it was a pretty good one!
#2 to my nephew Justin - he turned 11 years old & has one of the biggest smiles anyone could ask for!
#3 to my sweet niece Rachel- She never got the TRUE birthday call out that she deserves for she is 18 YEARS OLD!!! I have always known her as a beautiful little girl who would always strive to do the right thing, love with her full heart, and will strive to do her best. She is graduating from high school this year, is working on getting her NA license, and received a scholarship to college! These are just a FEW of the reasons that we are soo very proud of her. Keep it up Rach!
I would like to also send out some prayers:
Dave - he was placed on a ventilator after some setbacks from a stroke. It sounds as if he is doing better, but they won't know for certain how things are going until they do a repeat CT Scan. Strength prayers for his Significant other Jen!
Gina - Prayers to your cousin in the ICU, I hope for a quick recovery!
Maddy - I hope that your new casts last longer than a week & work like they should!
Dear Sweet Abby - I am soo glad that you are home, I can't wait to hear how you are doing & pray that your pacemaker does what it is supposed to do & helps that beautiful broken heart of yours. Keep smiling & know you are in all our hearts!
Jenny - Hoping the closing goes without any issues on Friday & your move goes smoothly.
Extra Prayers to anyone else that may need them this week. May we all be able to hold our heads high, enjoy the day as it falls upon us & smile through any "water" that falls from our eyes.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Life on Oxygen
Life has been.... shall we say... a little hectic???
It's been a hard adjustment having Aine on oxygen, because along with the oxygen is the "lovely" pulse ox machine. This thing will beep (VERY Loudly) if she moves too much, if she is having a good time and gets her heart rate a little high, if she is working on her screaming or laughing, and the list goes on. Now... don't get wrong... I will "deal" with the machine since it means I get to have her at home with me, but I have made the Absolute realization that I Am Not a Happy Waker Upper at Night when it is by an earpiercing beep. Shawn and I have not really learned to take turns with the machine becuase it wakes up the whole house; and because of this we have questioned how other families do it. Ours is temporary - theirs may be permanent - we're not jealous of them.
Both kids got shots last week, so they slept and slept and slept. You'd think that this would be an awesome time to get things done (maybe catch up on sleep???). You sure do think silly things because remember my little rant earlier? Beep Beep Beep goes Aine :) LOL But on a good note, Liam is completely up to date (until he is 3 that is) and Aine is up to date (until she is 1) and it only took 9 months to accomplish this :)
Liam still loves his Thomas and will Not be happy until he has Every train, every track, and every building that they make. Silly boy can tell you want he should get next & when we should go to get it.
Aine is getting into toys & loves to work on sitting up. She is growing up soo fast. Two full teeth on the bottom & showing signs of working more through. We're hoping to have an easy ween off oxygen so we can get her cleared to have her tubes placed. Shawn & I think she has grown, but I forgot to have her nurse measure her today, Oops.
Shawn's back is continuing to get better, but he still doesn't have clearance to go into the pool with Liam, which is killing Liam because the instructor thinks next week will be the last week we are needed in the pool with him! Scary how much of a fish he is :)
We have a few appointments coming up for Aine, one with her cardiologist and one to check how her immune system is doing. We are hoping that both go well and we will get cleared for some further adventures.
I have decided to try my hand at a fund raiser and have gotten the final approval from the company, so as soon as I get the information I can give you more information. What I will be collecting is ink cartridges, Toners, working cell phones, laptops, etc. They recycle what is sent in and will send the money earned to the charity that I have chosen.
It's been a hard adjustment having Aine on oxygen, because along with the oxygen is the "lovely" pulse ox machine. This thing will beep (VERY Loudly) if she moves too much, if she is having a good time and gets her heart rate a little high, if she is working on her screaming or laughing, and the list goes on. Now... don't get wrong... I will "deal" with the machine since it means I get to have her at home with me, but I have made the Absolute realization that I Am Not a Happy Waker Upper at Night when it is by an earpiercing beep. Shawn and I have not really learned to take turns with the machine becuase it wakes up the whole house; and because of this we have questioned how other families do it. Ours is temporary - theirs may be permanent - we're not jealous of them.
Both kids got shots last week, so they slept and slept and slept. You'd think that this would be an awesome time to get things done (maybe catch up on sleep???). You sure do think silly things because remember my little rant earlier? Beep Beep Beep goes Aine :) LOL But on a good note, Liam is completely up to date (until he is 3 that is) and Aine is up to date (until she is 1) and it only took 9 months to accomplish this :)
Liam still loves his Thomas and will Not be happy until he has Every train, every track, and every building that they make. Silly boy can tell you want he should get next & when we should go to get it.
Aine is getting into toys & loves to work on sitting up. She is growing up soo fast. Two full teeth on the bottom & showing signs of working more through. We're hoping to have an easy ween off oxygen so we can get her cleared to have her tubes placed. Shawn & I think she has grown, but I forgot to have her nurse measure her today, Oops.
Shawn's back is continuing to get better, but he still doesn't have clearance to go into the pool with Liam, which is killing Liam because the instructor thinks next week will be the last week we are needed in the pool with him! Scary how much of a fish he is :)
We have a few appointments coming up for Aine, one with her cardiologist and one to check how her immune system is doing. We are hoping that both go well and we will get cleared for some further adventures.
I have decided to try my hand at a fund raiser and have gotten the final approval from the company, so as soon as I get the information I can give you more information. What I will be collecting is ink cartridges, Toners, working cell phones, laptops, etc. They recycle what is sent in and will send the money earned to the charity that I have chosen.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!
It was an uneventful New Years at the Casey Household, but it seems we have started to cherish the quiet times.
To us it means alot - no hospitals, no surgeries, no nurses, no doctors, and the list could go on. But all in all it means a lot.
We have started the new year out well. Liam and Daddy got to spend some time together while Aine & Mommy stayed home (Aine slept, so I got some stuff done). Aine came home with me on Friday which meant that Liam got to come home with Daddy on Saturday!! What a joyous day - The family ALL together again!
Aine is doing well after her little bout of fluid retention. They think that she may have had a bit of a virus on top of the retention which put her over the edge. Since Aine is such a good girl :) She got to come home with only one additional med (the lovely lasix), oxygen, and a stat monitor. The first night was a little rough because she didn't want to sleep so everything upset her making the monitor drive us crazy. Now that we're partly back into the swing of things she is doing well. I'm hoping that we can possibly ween her oxygen a little bit more on Monday when her home nurse is here.
Liam was spoiled as usual and happy but sad to come home. He slept really hard last night and is back at it for his nap.
I can't say that we had a quiet 2011 because as you know it was rather eventful. Here's hoping that 2012 will be medically better than 2011 for not only us but everyone. (extra prayers to Kari's mom) We are very blessed to have everyone in our lives & know that everyday can only be brighter than the day before.
For me - there are no new years resolutions - just cherishing everyday to the fullest & taking the punches as they are delivered.
To us it means alot - no hospitals, no surgeries, no nurses, no doctors, and the list could go on. But all in all it means a lot.
We have started the new year out well. Liam and Daddy got to spend some time together while Aine & Mommy stayed home (Aine slept, so I got some stuff done). Aine came home with me on Friday which meant that Liam got to come home with Daddy on Saturday!! What a joyous day - The family ALL together again!
Aine is doing well after her little bout of fluid retention. They think that she may have had a bit of a virus on top of the retention which put her over the edge. Since Aine is such a good girl :) She got to come home with only one additional med (the lovely lasix), oxygen, and a stat monitor. The first night was a little rough because she didn't want to sleep so everything upset her making the monitor drive us crazy. Now that we're partly back into the swing of things she is doing well. I'm hoping that we can possibly ween her oxygen a little bit more on Monday when her home nurse is here.
Liam was spoiled as usual and happy but sad to come home. He slept really hard last night and is back at it for his nap.
I can't say that we had a quiet 2011 because as you know it was rather eventful. Here's hoping that 2012 will be medically better than 2011 for not only us but everyone. (extra prayers to Kari's mom) We are very blessed to have everyone in our lives & know that everyday can only be brighter than the day before.
For me - there are no new years resolutions - just cherishing everyday to the fullest & taking the punches as they are delivered.
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