During our online absence we have been very busy.
I took Aine to her first "Clinic". This is a day of meeting with specialist (ALL DAY). It was a long day, but pretty interesting. I learned a lot & was able to get a lot done without going anywhere (once we were in our room that is).
As normal though - one appointment turned into too many to count.
First - the cardiologist is Very happy with the way that she is growing and looking. She is very happy with the PINK color that Aine now is. We did some adjustments on her meds and scheduled another big appointment (EKG, ECHO, and pre-post op appointment).
Second - The ENT. We have been concerned that Aine is not hearing as well as we would like & we don't want to affect her in the long run, so... we took full advantage of the clinic and had everything done. Well.. Sadly... She failed her hearing test. Her Tympanic Membrane (TM) was "flat Lined" which means that it is stiff - probably from fluid behind membrane (I guess they can tell if there probably fluid or a hole in the TM by the way the test results read out). They did another test on her for good measure and as expected it was also flatlined. Since we have a family history fulll of tubes; Aine will be going in for another surgery - this time a day surgery which will include A) hooking her up to some cool device that will verify she has Hearing activity running from her inner ear to her brain. B) The ENT will place tubes C) They will do an X-ray of her skull.
They are planning on doing an x-ray of her skull to make sure that everything looks good and the plates are not fusing together too quickly. Since this is a test that needs to be done while she is under - they are hoping to get everything done in one shot.
The dentist is suprised that she has teeth, which I find silly. Liam started teething at 3 months (for those that don't know - the pediatrician tried to stamp Liam as colicky because "kids don't get teeth at 3 month" We left that office and started our adventure of finding our current Ped). So.. That being said - Aine will need to start seeing the dentist every 6 months.
Speech is very happy with how Aine is progressing and that she is accepting TINY amounts of food. She is hoping that she will do even better once she has the tubes placed.
Liam is Doing GREAT! He is growing by leaps and bounds and seems to be enjoying the last months of being 2. He continues to ask if he can have Thomas at his birthday - so I may just have to enlist a certain person Now so that they will be able to top the Thomas Cake from last year :)
Shawn's back is starting to get better. The Dr made some tweaks to "the hole" and it doesn't seem to hurt as much as it did previously. It is looking and healing well, but I will not be sad when it is healed.
Myself - What can I say? I'm done with our Christmas shopping - just waiting for a few items to get here. I'm going to miss seeing those that we will not see this year, but they will be in our hearts and thoughts. I got a 2011 calendar and can't believe how fast it is filling up.
We hope that everyone is doing as well as we are and are safe over these holiday weeks.
Liam with Santa
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