Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First Haircut!!


We finally broke down and got Liam's haircut. The sides were getting really long & I just couldn't handle it any longer.

We scheduled an appointment with Shawn's barber who ended up calling in sick. So... we chose our next best option, calling around to find someone comfortable with cutting a 2 year olds hair (we both had the day off & wanted to be there).

We found a place that was close to the house & had a spot open.

Being concerned that he was going to crab, cry, or fuss (teething is a huge issue this week), we did the ulimate no-no & bribed him with fish. We were given a tank by some friends, but didn't have any fish to go in it.

Our next concern was when we walked in & discovered that our stylist was COVERED in tattoos & facial piercing (would we hear screaming, crying, or anything else???)

Nope! He did Great & got his fish.

I still need to get after pictures, but here's some of the good ones :)

1 comment:

Libbie said...

How fun! He did such a good job!!! Glad you got lots of cute pics!!!