I have come to realize in the last months that loss, no matter how big or small is difficult to deal with.
In the last couple months we have lost a lot, which has become hard for me to deal with, making it hard for me to keep up with our blog. This in itself makes me sad because I love looking back and seeing all the cool things my kids have done. That they don't just do medical things.
We had a medical student come into our lives to see what it is like to live with a medically complex child. She was fun to talk to, always had a smile on her face, and enjoyed being around the kids. We tried to show her many sides of our lives before we had to say the inevitable good bye.
The kids are getting older, which means they are moving on to different things. Aine had to say good bye to gymnastics because of her hyper mobility, Liam said good bye to his first teacher, Aine said good bye to the birth to 3 program, I have had to start coming to terms and say good bye to half days with Liam, and having to say good bye to Aine and leave her in the care of others for 2 hours twice a week.
We have had to say good bye to an awesome delivery guy as today is his last day because he is moving. As strange as it may seem to some, you become friends with the people who deliver you child's medical items, take their orders, make their appointments, and check them onto their appointments, they almost become an extension of your medical family.
We have had to say good bye to people that we have never met before, only talked to on the phone.
We have said good bye to our cat.
We have said good bye to a pretty cool aunt, who I wish the kids could have spent more time with. I learned a lot from her when I was little and got a ton of creative ideas from her.
We have said good bye to shoes, books, and other misc treasures (it can be rough being a kid at times).
Through all this, the small things have started to look like big things. The future looks bright, but the future good byes create a heavy heart because they will be coming too soon.
I have made a promise to myself that I will catch up on our blog so the kids can see the cool stuff they got to do, ballets, football camp, horse back riding, plays, and the list goes on.
Because, that is also what the past few months have brought us. And the future will only bring us more happiness.