Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter is right around the corner

Liam got to meet the Easter Bunny on Tuesday with his buddy Aiden. They have been spending a lot of time together and get along great. We have been told many times that they are future football teammates because they don't have a problem tackling and pushing each other around.
He is finally cutting the last two incisors on the top, so sleep has not been an option lately, but it will be worth it once those pearly whites come through.
He is babbling all the time and working on adding more words to the list that he already has. He will graduate from Sea Turtles (swimming) April 17th and will move on to Sea Lions after that.
Walking behind his car in the backyard. So happy the weather was nice. Deep in thought (this was after he "checked" out his car)
Don't you just wonder what I'm thinking??? I'll never tell :)-

I'll keep my wagon wheel, you give me the camera.

Reading to my kitty "bunnie"

Me, Liam, Easter Bunny, Aiden, and Patti Liam & Aiden playing at Ikea. They started out by washing dishes - then turned them into noise makers.

Liam Tackling (and I think zerberting) Aiden

They like to do things together

Getting ready for storytime

Friday, March 19, 2010

Almost 11 Months old!

I know I've said it before & I know I will say it again, but where or where has the time gone??? Our baby will soon be 11 months old and then 1 year old (tear!)
We sure have had our share of first with many more to come (mommy is going to be a Very pround mommy in this post :).
He is becoming very stable on his feet, so I am anticipating him walking (or maybe running?) very soon, which is why we now have a playroom in the basement :)-
He is crawling on all fours and is able to go forwards & backwards, pull himself up on furniture like a pro and cross between furniture.
He is also starting to get a good vocabulary. He is now saying momma, dadda, daddy (and pointing to Shawn), hi, hey, here, kitty (pointing at or petting the kitty), dog(gie) (pointing at or petting the kitty), yeah, and what is begining to sound like I love you. There has been another phrase which we will not post on the site because we have discovered that pete & repeat has come earlier than we anticipated & we don't know for sure who he is repeating, thank goodness it has only been said once.