Thursday, February 18, 2010

6 Teeth!

We officially have 6 teeth that have broken through (4 on the bottom and 2 on the top). At least one more is threatening to break through (oon the top), so we will see when it decides to come through.

Liam is starting to feel better (on top of teething he ended up getting croup). He is doing really well on walking (still using a walker) and is starting to move from one object to another without falling. He has figured out how to pull himself up on the couch and the coffee table so he is pretty proud of himself. He giggles everytime he does it.

We went to playgroup this week and he climbed on top of the foam pads all by himself, so now he sit and play with wall toys instead of stand in front of them.

Holly also came and visited us today, and her fur jacket seemed to be the biggest hit of all - the dogs, cats, and Liam couldn't get enough of it.

It's crazy to think that Liam will be 10 months old next week, time is going soo fast and he is growing and learning by leaps and bounds.

Thanks for being a part of our lives!
Look close and you can see 4 of my 6 teeth! Where's Liam???

Busy matching everything (Eden Prairie Playgroup)

Mommy - I hope this one works because No More Pictures!

Liam & Aiden practicing their football moves

Liam likes taking pictures (we forgot the flash)

Holly & Liam

Thursday, February 4, 2010


The month has just begun and we are starting it out with new milestones. Liam is working on crawling on his knees (scooting is soo much faster, that he reverts back to his belly). He just starting using long objects to reach other objects that he wants to get. Is pulling himself up on Everything and starting to let go of the objects and continue to stand. But..... The Biggest milestone that our little man has started can be seen in the video below.

Have fun watching & there will be more to come.
Mommy Wait! I'm not ready for my photo shoot yet! Learning how to go under things

Just having fun

Trying to have some fun while teething (two more have popped through, 2 more can be seen, and the doctor said 12 total teeth before 1 year - lets see if he's right. I'm hoping it's true so we can get it all done and over with.)

Sorry that this isn't the best video, the better video is on my phone - so I will upload it later (I need an additional reader). But here is the Biggest Milestone for our Little Man as of this time.